17 March 2007

Capoeira fighters, Barcelona:

Fun in the Sun

It's a funny time in the semester. Only a little more than a month left, but it doesn't feel like anything's coming to a close for a while. But everything will happen fast, I am sure.

In our Psychology class ("Madness, Genius, and Creativity") we are each writing a substantial final paper. The draft of this paper is due at the end of March, and since Josh Cook is coming to visit next weekend as well as Dad and Libby, I'd really like to get it in good form for the end of this week. Today, however, is kind of a bust. Slept in a bit (that I don't regret) and after a few hours of working out on the front patio we'll be going to get pizza in Fiesole. Then, downtown to the Red Garter to watch the Georgetown basketball game.

Yesterday a group of us went to Viareggio, a small beach town north of Pisa, an hour away by train.

The ride was only six euro each way, and we brought picnic food so we could enjoy our time on the beach. We went swimming, played cards, and did the Villa bonding thing. It's definitely still off-season for Italians, so we had the whole beach to ourselves. The water was cold, but comparable to Cape Cod in the summer.

A nice break from everything, to be somewhere new that didn't demand a lot of walking and sightseeing. Climbing out of that freezing water, my head had been cleared. Catharsis in the Mediterranean.

Here's my favorite photo of the day: Kevin drawing a vapor trail in the sky with his magic stick:

Off to do some more Psych reading - wish me luck,

Love, Hunter.